
Al Pangelinan began his journey as an IV&V consultant conducting code reviews. Dr. Michael Cox had already 10 years of IV&V experiece by this time. As Al Pangelinan gained more IV&V experience, he realized the many components that provide the foundation to IV&V.
Al Pangelinan presented his idea of creating an organization to certify IV&V consultants to various leaders in the IV&V arena. However, Al Pangelinan did not obtain any agreement, so he discontinued.
Al Pangelinan and Dr. Michael Cox worked on several IV&V contracts together and found that more and more unqualified consultants were winning IV&V contracts. Because of their experience, Dr. Michael agreed he would then help Al Pangelinan pursue his idea of certifying IV&V consultants.
Al Pangelinan created IV&V Institute, Inc. He and Dr. Michael Cox continued to write the IV&V Body of Knowledge (IVVBOK) and develop a curriculum to certify IV&V consultants.
The IVVBOK is in its final stage of updates. In addition, Al Pangelinan and Dr. Michael Cox are currently training and certifying consultants to ensure that they have the right skillset to provide IV&V services.