Member Services

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If you are not a member, please feel free to register. The membership fee is $125 per year. If you have IVVI certifications, the membership fee includes the certification exam renewal fee.

Educational Services

Our educational services includes conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, field trips for the distribution of educational materials in the field of Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), including the products and services of others.

Testing, Analysis, and Evaluation

We provide testing, analysis, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of others in the field of Independent Verification and Validation of the products and services of others to determine conformity with certification standards developed by IVVI.


IVVI began training for certification the week of January 2, 2018. We are certifying members for the IV&V Associate (IVVA), the IV&V Technical Associate, and the IV&V Professional Certifications.


You must be a member to pursue all future certification levels. To be a member, you must join as a member, click on the Join button, and pay the required annual fee. Please refer to the Certifications page for more information.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please contact us at [email protected].